Shades of Life

Shades of Life
Black, White, Morally Grey

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My 3 weeks "holiday"

Yay! Serve the nation! Honestly, when I first received my SAF100, I wasn't exactly elated. It was a call of duty, a passage of ritual every able bodied male Singaporean has to endure. At least I can give thanks for being able bodied. Hallelujah!

Initially, I was rather disgruntled about how shabbily my workplace handled my replacement. I was also concerned about picking up loose ends after I return. As the day goes by and I perform my duty of protecting the nation in more subtle and sublime ways - read contributing to economy by going for numerous tea breaks. The 10 of us boosted the following economies briefly: coffee, sugar, condense milk import, bread and kaya making. I soon realise that caffeine and sugar high induces happiness when taken twice a day at mid morning and mid afternoon.

How time flies in good company! I enjoyed learning new stuff, knowing new friends and learning from their very diverse characters and experiences. It did induce some jealous pangs as well, temporary of course, but I decided to keep my mind focused on the treasures in heaven instead.

Well, holiday is ending soon, I wake up later than usual, reach home early than normal. I'm gonna miss reservist!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh man, u so slack loh! Haha.. better enjoy the last 2 days of ur precious reservist dear.. And gear up for the new week ahead! Jiayou Tatty!