Shades of Life

Shades of Life
Black, White, Morally Grey

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Surreal, Unreal But Real

Time is a tornado
Sucks you in
Spits you out
Tumble and rumble
Bruised and battered

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Year Long Spin Cycle...

Soak, Spin, Rinse, Soak, Spin, Hang...

Sometimes full load, sometimes half, sometimes someone throws in a dirty sock halfway.

Sometimes the suds don't seem to rise, sometimes the suds overflow, sometimes it just feels that the washing powder just don't cut it.

This reminds me of a myth. There was once a man who doesn't do his laundry often. One day he decided to wash all this clothes at one go. He piled all his laundry into the washing machine and stomped on the smelly pile to stuff it all in. He lost his footing and got stuck in the washing machine. He lost his balance and flailed his arms wildly. His flailing arms hit a bottle of bleach on the shelf and it toppled onto the floor. Right at this opportune moment, his pet dog came in and peed onto the bleach, sparking an explosion. The heavy duty washing machine caught fire and the circuit board was friend. The washing machine lost its speed control and began to spin wildly. The poor man was literally spun to pieces, blood splattering everywhere.

Now I wonder... Will I suffer the same fate?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

It's Pingo Bingo Time!

Not quite bingo, but PB...
Sigh... as we go around and kaypoh kaypoh how much each other gets, we tend to compare... Sian ah... Since young mother compare compare whose child get some fabuloso results, now we compare we collegues and see who get fabuloso bonus.

Somehow, although we use the same washing powder sometimes, our laundry is sometimes not quite fabulously white as our counterparts. Must be the washing machine, branded washing machines wash cleaner I'm sure. Maybe I shall request for a change in brand of washing machine.

Speaking of washing machine, I can't wait to move in my brand new spanking whoopass washing machine. It's still in it's packaging outside my room. Hopefully I can move stuff into our new home soon and maybe I'll convert it into a gaming/ entertainment centre! Opps! My miserly meagre Pingo Bingo is not sufficient for such a purpose. Better be more content with life as is and keep my mind focused on the right treasures :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust...

Far arc kit! This was the name of a Singapore guild in WoW that was forced to change it's guild name. This was also what i was thinking mentally. Why? I was waiting for a bus home after slogging my guts out during the school holidays when happy little airheads take a break from doing nothing in school.

I was vexed, why is it that 3 sets of bus number 28, 8, and 18 have passed and I don't see a single bus number 3 or 17? I knew it, SBS hates me. SBS hates people who stay in Pasir Ris. SBS hates hardworking teachers above everyone else. I knew it.

I resorted to filling the wallet of a poor Indian driver with a princely sum of $8.65. A trip from Tampines to Pasir Ris costing $8.65! Thank you Mr. Minister! It's just peanut shavings to you, not even peanuts!

Yadda yadda hanla hanla... complain complain... As I pass by Loyang Avenue on my expensive ride, I saw the reason behind the stoppage of bus. I didn't understand why it was necessary to halt all bus flow from Bedok and Tampines to Pasir Ris when it is the road from Pasir Ris that is blocked. Don't SBS have backup buses for re-routing? Anyhow, the scholars are way too good to listen to rants and raves of common little people like me.

Seriously, what is the point of ranting? I should be thankful that I am alive! Why? I could have been the poor driver who was killed in the accident! Driving home, driving safely... Bing Bang Boom! An errant lorry driving swerves thinking he is Takumi from Initial D, swipes another lorry, which proceeds to roll on top of the car in front, crushing the poor man.

Seriously, Far Arc Kit you stupid lorry drivers. Is that meagre few seconds or minutes you save by driving reckless worth that man's life.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Love, Hope and Faith

And of all three, love is the greatest of them all :)
Of late, I have been feeling alot of His love, which I think is a direct result of having more faith.

Thinking back on my uni days, there were indeed many times, I was desperate, overwhelmed with tutorials and FYP, that I laid my burden on His shoulders things were resolved not by my strength but His!

We got an unusually long extension from HDB, I really want to stop thinking about the house stuff and leave all my worries about the furnitures to him :) Today the "to do" list just got shorter, thanks to my cousin. Y(^.^)Y

Now, next on the list, bridal shoot! Pew Pew... oh yes, and more work from school... oh yes, P.U.S.H :)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Hasta la Vista XP Pro

What a big boo boo! On the day I decide to stop using my trusty version of WinXP Pro and switch to Vista, it pulled a fast one on me! Apparently, Vista spotted something it didn't like in my old harddisk and labelled it a misfit. It threw a tantrum and refused to proceed with installation.

That hiccup aside, it is so far so good, nice pretty graphics, well, it's as close to a "Leopard" interface as I can get so far! Sigh... My tech upgrades aside, work has been a snowball of work! It's gaining momentum and size, now where is that stick of dynamite to stick into this every growing ball of work...

Got my task list up, work work...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Long Live Procrastinators!

If only procrastinators could delay the inevitable end, I would surely be as old as Methuselah. Since mid December I've been meaning to post about my sucky holidays, sick and sniffling for most of it.

For the most part I was well, I was busy scrubbing filthy floors, painting dirty walls. No wonder my nose nearly fell off! Meh... After I fulfilled my duty as a responsible and helpful family member, I was hauled off... My dearest GF, whom til this day I still call her GF although she's my fiance, pushed the "SLAVE MODE" button. Well, I don't like french, and I heard the word fi-on-cey, comes from the french, hence, my vehement refusal to use the word!

Bah, at least my GF's slave chores was much more meaningful. Well, we had fun preparing decoration for my church's youth fellowship. The programme was great! The speaker was inspiring! The youths are suffering from responsibility denial!

Serious, many youths nowadays, only know how to eat, sleep, play... Think I was like that too! Sigh... the dumbness of youth, regrets aplenty. Bah! How many times has the great architect of my life changed my blueprints due to my mischieve and rebellious nature. I must let my life accomplish great things! I must be a great engineer of souls!