Shades of Life

Shades of Life
Black, White, Morally Grey

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Aiyo! I'm such a bum! Been sitting on it and not updating my blog for so long! Sigh... What happened to updating the ASCII art on how fabulous the house I saw at block 248 is. Sigh...

So much seems to have happened in the one month that has passed. Let's see, there was a little frustration with getting the OTP re-signed. Somehow I think, all the trouble and worries had been for nothing. After speaking to a few of my friends, I realised that many people have managed to delay the submission of ROM cert for HDB purchase because our gah-ment is so understanding, yay! (That childish Sri gave me a fright while i was typing this. HMMPH!)

Okie, HDB paperwork out of the way, marriage counselling in progress, year end planning going on in school, can't wait for "teachers' school holiday" to start! Yesterday, I just bought my Nintendo WII! I had been eyeing it ever since it was launched in US last year! But somehow, my happy purchase was marred by a bungling nincompoop (ah beng salesperson).

It has to do with all the warranty technicalities. Rant rant rant... Here goes, That ignoramus did not even know that the local EXCLUSIVE distributor does not cover warranty for import sets. Although the distributor imports their sets from US all the same, as long as they don't get a cut of the profits, they will not endorse the Nintendo warranty. Mr Ignoramus Beng kept insisting that Nintendo Singapore will do the repairs. I kept telling him there is NO Nintendo Singapore and that Maxsoft is the one doing repairs, he look at me as if I'm speaking Japanese.

Bah! After some considerations and consultation with my personal advisor - tatty, I decided not to kick up a big fuss and ask for refunds. Nintendo products are so far quite reliable, tested through dropping my old Nintendo DS a couple of times, not intentional though! I shall just play like mad within the first 7 days to do a stress test on it! Woohoo! Tennis elbow here I come!

Check this out!

1 comment:

Obi Wan said...

Woi!!! I am not childish! I am spirited!!!