Shades of Life

Shades of Life
Black, White, Morally Grey

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Happy 3rd Anniversary!

Yay! I've been with my beloved tatty for 3 years and next year we are getting married! WOOHOOO! YATA! Hehe, this time I played the lazy bum while she planned everything! I had a little concern about her overplanning, I even had concerns that I might collapse due to exhaustion! Well, I WAS quite sick okay, but thank God that day I was feeling alright! Must be the company, hee... Okie, off we go to a fun filled day at Sentosa! I haven't been there since I last played a corpse in FOC, hehe, what memories! First up is the luge, something like go kart, we took the skyride up...

Buay tahan, who is that hum ji banana... Anyway, we bought 2 luge runs, following the advise printed on the helmet "Once is never enough!" Well said, the first run I was rolling downslope in a very controlled manner while Tatty speed ahead like a bunny in a dog race. She commented, "The way you control the luge, is like your dad is beside you, "Kai Ming, man yi dian..." Yeah, my dad always makes me drive slowly and safely,REAL SAFE, REAL SLOW. *angry honks from behind!*

Hmmphtaro de... Come 2nd luge run, I was determined to relive my glory days of a fearless skinhead! HIAK TAKE THAT! Only to be held back by two uncle aunties in front of us on the track. Alamak... Another couple in front of use drive so slowly that at the finishing line, the camera took their photo twice instead of taking the last shot for us. Sianzzz.... Next up is the dolphin show! As we had lots of free time, we took a pretty long walk along Palawan and Tanjung beach. Hee.. Check out our matching Casio G-Shock :)

Along the way we got came across a water fountain, similar to the one at Bugis Junction where so many little kids like to run amok getting wet and dirty. I would NEVER do that.

Lunch was okie la, I didn't have much appetite, so we just had dumplings and fried octopus. Burp... Yay! We saw the pink dolphins perform, brings back memories of drinking pink dolphin water, erm... peach flavoured sweetened water, hmm... feels very much like a ginak drink now :P
The dolphins were quite entertaining and as usual, the volunteers to participate are all ang mohs, if I were not sick, I would be waving my hands frantically to jump in with the dolphins! Next up is fish reflexology, an interesting new concept, erm... gimmick. What's that? Fish reflexlogy?

A movie tells a million words, here goes There were two pools of fishes, the mild versions from Turkey and the bloodthirsty ones from Africa. Greedy me wanted more bang for buck! My initial 2 minutes was really unbearable, but after awhile, I got used to the idea of feeding myself to fishes, apparently I tasted quite nice from the response from the fishes, no complains about stinky feet too! Easily satisfied fishes. The back, shoulder and feet massage felt quite erm... limp to me. Seems to me that the fishes are the real deal! The rest is more like, erm... for show. I really had to convince the uncle to use more force, "Yes I can take pain! I eat it for breakfast!" After that squeamish but interesting episode, Mr. Suakoo went to tour the underwater world! Never been there since they opened, FWAH! Look at that beautiful fish! Testimonial to God's creation, hmmm... aptly describe by Tatty. We saw ancient shellfish, jellyfish pretending to be plastic bags, manta rays, sharks, big fat fishes and Santa did a cameo!

Last but not least, we visited the compulsory tourist trap. We ain't tourist so we didn't fall into any traps! We did have a fun time using their baits as our props though. Pose pose pose... I am a hungry shark! I eat cute little children for brunch.

After Underwater World, we wanted to go see the sights from Carlsberg Skytower, but it's so expensive! To sit in that revolving giant coaster we have to pay nearly 20 SGD pax! It was rather fortunate we did not! While we wandering around waiting for 7.40 pm (Songs of the Sea!) we chanced upon the dragon trail! We recollected our memories of freshmen orientation camp. How scary it was, I was acting as the corpse, along with my best friend who was draped with black cloth. The CD player was playing an eerie Chinese oldies and it eerily malfunctioned after awhile! Talk about spooky...

Okie, time for me to rest, more on the bombastic Songs of the Sea tomorrow!